“We believe every small business deserves a chance to share their story.

We’d like to help you tell yours!”

A Transparent Marketing Service for Small Businesses

Lean Marketing was founded to tackle the challenges many small businesses and startups face; matching growing businesses with appropriately priced services in a tailored and cost-effective manner.

Since 2015 Lean Marketing has made it easier for small businesses to grow rapidly with the appropriate marketing services to match their requirements, goals and growing potential.

Originally created as a platform to help businesses find the right agencies, we found a lack of providers available for businesses with smaller budgets, and set out to address this

Our Philosophy

Stop interrupting what people are searching for, instead be what people are searching for
— Tosin Yussuf, Founder

We believe digital marketing should not be intrusive, our job is to position great products in front of the right people without interrupting their day-to-day lives. We do this with smart targeting, optimised messaging, and by determining the right audience, at the right time.